Advancing Along

Wow, I sure haven’t posted in quite some time! I have been busy with end of term tests and have been very interested in advancing in my sound engineering. ๐Ÿ˜€ I am considering a job in sound engineering if I can’t get anywhere in Ecology or some NASA job! I’m dreadfully sorry for the quality of my new album Grayscale, this has been caused, I have decided, by the fact there is no hiss. If you notice myย  old songs,ย  they have good sound, but they have hiss! And all my songs that have a little hiss have better quality than the rest. So, regretfully, I have decided to leave hiss in my songs, although, at a minimum, so I won’t be too annoyed by it.I am going to upload Grayscale again as a individual, dowloadable ,songs for those who wish to hear what I really was going for, sound wise. So yeah, all that should be up soon, along with my compliation “album” that includes remasters and studio versions of “singles” I have released with some of my favorite tracks. I am going to add a track of hiss to these as to not ruin the quality when I upload them ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyways, back to real life, I have finished track! Now I’m in Cross Country training :cool:, and I have been quite mind twisted by this crush i have at my school. Somedays I think she likes me, then others, i think differently. It’s a bit more mind boggling than that, if you were actually experiencing it, but I put it into simple terms as to not go into a cliche blog post.

I am reading Stephen Hawkings “A Brief History of Time”, it’s quite a good book! I also enjoy this show he’s been doing for Discovery called “Into The Universe with Stephen Hawking”. You should check it out! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyone got plans for summer vacation? ๐Ÿ™‚

6 thoughts on “Advancing Along

  1. the background noise lol
    Its extremely annoying on headphones, and somewhat annoying on speakers. lol Check out my older “albums” to hear it P:

  2. I will check all your posts and such in a few. I just made it back from across the pond and slept for 2 days. Looks as if you have been busy and doing well!

  3. I haven’t been able to find that show. I do however think I have seen the commercial for it.

    I will check your music too. Maybe a hiss is like a subculture thing. It might add some mystery to it all.

    Sounds like the great out of doors is constantly calling you back. Running is a great hobby to have.

    Well congrats on the “crush”! Playing those little games of love can be quite the mind boggler. Keeps the blood pumping though!!

  4. Im afraid i failed at the love bit.. I never got the chance to ask her out.. but i think she did like me. And I think the hiss has to do with the sound transfer or something, lol, but Im adding it back! P:

  5. Well if she isn’t dead yet… you still have a chance.

    I don’t mind a little hiss once in awhile. O maybe that was kiss. hahahahahaa

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