Your Worst Enemy

Alright, so before I restart this post, I would like to inform you that this was written in a much better form earlier, but for some reason I lost all the writing when I added the tags.

Fucking website and it’s damned technicalities.


Your mind can be your worst enemy. It’s always playing tricks on you and is the #1 reason for why most people are unhappy with their lives. The mind is either there to help you, or, in most cases, there to teach you a god damn lesson and make you suffer in the process. The mind makes you believe things, do things, and inspire things. It’s what makes you human. You think with it, and you are it. The mind of a human being is what makes everything happen that happens.My mind is no exception from this. It is a cruel, cynical, and unmerciful thing. It drives me crazy, and is always playing tricks on me. My mind is there to help my think up something horrible, dwell on that thought, and turn me into some sort of cynical bastard that can’t be bothered to live his life due to the fact he is a prisoner to his own paranoia.

The mind’s games are simple, yet clever. It simply twists your idea of something, manipulate your perception of it, and make you fall into the trap that is your own inner thoughts. One very common game that my mind plays on me is the idea that if i think up something, then that will ultimately not happen. In fact, not only will my assumption of the future not happen, but it will turn out to be some odd loophole of a turnout that will totally throw me off guard. I, like most human beings, tend to be obsessive about the future. I make assumptions and predictions about it, and then hope that these logical(or illogical) ideas turn to reality. Now, this is foolish thinking, because humans have always been bad at predicting the future, and this may well be a part of the giant game the mind is playing on us all. The game is to FORCE you, ever minute, every hour, and every second of everyday to worry and think about the future, although you only really need to think about the present (the future can damn well take care of itself for right now). This forced thinking is what gets most people, like me, into trouble. It always seems to either get me into trouble, and then get me out, or get me in trouble and keep me there.

My minds tricks are actually sort of fun to experiment with. Sometimes I will spot out an object, predict an outcome or change in the object, and then wait to see if that comes true. Most of the time (if not all the time) whatever I predicted never happens, in fact, a lot of the time NOTHING ever happens! It’s as if my mind says ”Hey, what the hell are you doing? I have better things to do than have you abusing my psychological powers.” This usually ends up with me reminding my mind that it is me, and that I can damn well do whatever the hell I want with myself and I had better stop being such a power hungry mongrel.

This usually makes me come to the conclusion that I have gone off the deep end and that I need to take a nap for a bit.

[Now, I keep blaming everything that happens on my “mind”, not because I think it’s a controlling force of everything, but because the mind is what your perception of reality is, and is basically you. So basically, I am saying that I’m always destroying my own life intentions.]

I guess I should be happy I keep getting these tricks played upon me. If it wasn’t for these mind games I wouldn’t have a great idea about the world, or how to understand, and I would definitely not know how to live in it in a more perfect way. Although I do yearn to be one of those cocky, ignorant, and yet happy children that post statuses on facebook that read:

“I love my life! 🙂 I’m so happy!!”

To be able to ACTUALLY say that and believe it would be a monumental achievement for me. I would be one happy blissful, ignorant, child. I say ignorant because most of the time the statuses that follow the one aforementioned read like so:

“I can’t believe how horrible life is right now…why must I always go through this? :(”

It’s an ignorant belief to believe that life shall be good, and stay good, if you never learn how to hate it and feel tortured.

Your mind’s got to throw you around like this. It’s got to knock you down a few notches somehow..whose ever heard of the cocky happy-go-lucky one being the one to get the last laugh?

Theres life outside the Blogosphere.

Yes, I know, I hardly ever do anything with this blog. I want to make this a lively place, but I can’t even get on the computer during the week due to all the stuff I’m doing for school and extra curricular activities.

Blogging isn’t my life, it is something I do as a hobby when I have the time.

Theres probably noone else reading this blog, maybe a few close friends, but that’s it. Blogging is a dead fad. Noone really does it anymore, and if they do, they don’t do it on WordPress. Zipo probably stops going here too because I didn’t add much pizazz to our conversations, which is a terribly blow to me (at my own fault, i know), because my blog is now as exciting and lively as a rock.

I figured posting Music I make would count as updating and help keep you all amused, but apparently not.  I lack the skill of being a witty and clever blogger, and the talent of being able to make my blog ‘pretty’. Because of these lacking traits, I don’t make a great blogger. The best I can do is express opinions when I can, comment where I feel I need to, and post my music to hopefully entertain someone.

A song for you all. This is to commemorate the start of my favorite season, the Fall.


Why do people like Drama and sob stories? Why do people crave to create their own fantasy world and force it upon others? So many people on Earth live in a fantasy world, whether that be a good thing or a bad thing. In my opinion, Republicans are living a fantasy world that they force upon everyone, while Democrats just have a fantasy world that they try and suppress when I know they live it. There’s kids at my high school that live in fantasy worlds. They each have their own grasp of reality, and sometimes that grasp is so totally off that they become a nuisance to others. The majority of these people that have fantasy worlds use these imaginative mindsets to create drama and annoying outcries of nonsense. The mosque issue? Just drama created by far right nutjobs that live in a perfect American fantasy world. No matter how large or small the drama is, it is most likely caused by someone living in a fantasy world.  Why do we do this? Why must we create our own reality to live by and sometimes force upon others? I will admit I have some sort of a fantasy view of things, but at least I realize it and am willing to admit to it.

Humans are strange and complex creatures.

On another note, I hate this thing thats going on where all these politicians are calling themselves and their supporters ‘Patriots’. These hypocrites aren’t patriots. Patriots support their country, no matter WHO runs it, which means they can’t go around calling their leaders ”muslim/communist terrorists”.Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin aren’t fucking patriots. Anyone who calls themselves ”A patriot” in such a grand and classy manner is not a patriot, only someone living their own fantasy world.

iPod, Album, and Summer

Before I begin the main points of this post I would like to point out that I have indeed deleted The Rubber Band “album” and “page”. This is because I plan to redo the album by fixing and adding over dubs to songs, and re-release it in a better, more compact form, with less songs (unneeded songs) and actual track listings. Now, on to the main point of the post 😛

My Mono Project is finally finished! Whenever I finish uploading the videos to Youtube, and finish making the necessary pages, I will post a pretty picture for you all to click that will direct you to the “Liner Notes and Album”, also if you havent checked out my other “album” The Rocky Mountain Orchestra, please do. 😀 Also, Apple has finally had an update on iTouches and iPhones! It’s awesome!!! You can read about it here:

<—MUSICAL SOUL :mrgreen:
I enjoy the background a lot! Its a great feature! My background is of a Shy Guy from Nintendo’s Mario Bros. field. 😛 The multitasking is cool, but I think I’ll hardly ever use it. They also included a better playlist view of every album, with info and album duration on the top with the album artwork 😀 Do you have an iTouch or iPhone? What do you Image and video hosting by TinyPicthink of the update? Please comment below your opinion!

Well, so far summer has been pretty boring for me. I have been busy with songs and cleaning, and trying to push myself to start running regularly 😆 (i slack off when non of my friends are here to run with me). I don’t have anywhere to swim 😦 I want to go swimming realllyyy bad, but don’t wanna go to the public pool (:sick:). I think we’re going to my dad’s friends house this 4th of july, and he has an awesome pool! So I can go swimming there. 😛 Speaking of July, my Birthday is in two weeks! 😀 I so far have 1 thing I want for my Birthday:

1. Beatles Mono Box.

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Yeah, thats it. lol I really don’t want anything else. I don’t know if I will get it though, my mother refuses to get it, and I haven’t heard from my Father. So I hope they get it! D: It will be okay if they don’t, i suppose, if I get a lot of $$$ for my B-day (i got $165 last year, and am proud to say i blew it all within the month) I can buy it myself. I think my list will drop to nothing next year. I am starting to get where I just don’t want anything lol. I’ll buy something if I want it. 😀

I have gotten into two new albums lately! One is Are You Experienced? by The Jimi Hendrix Experience,  my favorite track is “Seventh Stone Image and video hosting by TinyPicFrom The Sun” :D, and Electric Arguments by The Fireman (Paul McCartney and Youth!). Both are very Psychedelic and great! I am usiImage and video hosting by TinyPicng Electric Arguments as an example for my future works! 😀 You should check those albums out!

So, go check out that “album” and I’ll be back with more later! 😀
