Theres life outside the Blogosphere.

Yes, I know, I hardly ever do anything with this blog. I want to make this a lively place, but I can’t even get on the computer during the week due to all the stuff I’m doing for school and extra curricular activities.

Blogging isn’t my life, it is something I do as a hobby when I have the time.

Theres probably noone else reading this blog, maybe a few close friends, but that’s it. Blogging is a dead fad. Noone really does it anymore, and if they do, they don’t do it on WordPress. Zipo probably stops going here too because I didn’t add much pizazz to our conversations, which is a terribly blow to me (at my own fault, i know), because my blog is now as exciting and lively as a rock.

I figured posting Music I make would count as updating and help keep you all amused, but apparently not.  I lack the skill of being a witty and clever blogger, and the talent of being able to make my blog ‘pretty’. Because of these lacking traits, I don’t make a great blogger. The best I can do is express opinions when I can, comment where I feel I need to, and post my music to hopefully entertain someone.

A song for you all. This is to commemorate the start of my favorite season, the Fall.


Why do people like Drama and sob stories? Why do people crave to create their own fantasy world and force it upon others? So many people on Earth live in a fantasy world, whether that be a good thing or a bad thing. In my opinion, Republicans are living a fantasy world that they force upon everyone, while Democrats just have a fantasy world that they try and suppress when I know they live it. There’s kids at my high school that live in fantasy worlds. They each have their own grasp of reality, and sometimes that grasp is so totally off that they become a nuisance to others. The majority of these people that have fantasy worlds use these imaginative mindsets to create drama and annoying outcries of nonsense. The mosque issue? Just drama created by far right nutjobs that live in a perfect American fantasy world. No matter how large or small the drama is, it is most likely caused by someone living in a fantasy world.  Why do we do this? Why must we create our own reality to live by and sometimes force upon others? I will admit I have some sort of a fantasy view of things, but at least I realize it and am willing to admit to it.

Humans are strange and complex creatures.

On another note, I hate this thing thats going on where all these politicians are calling themselves and their supporters ‘Patriots’. These hypocrites aren’t patriots. Patriots support their country, no matter WHO runs it, which means they can’t go around calling their leaders ”muslim/communist terrorists”.Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin aren’t fucking patriots. Anyone who calls themselves ”A patriot” in such a grand and classy manner is not a patriot, only someone living their own fantasy world.

Metroid and Creativity Boom!

Seeing as Summer is starting for me, and I live NO WHERE near any of my friends, or any town for that matter, I have had and will have a lot of time on my hands. I have so far used this time to create another album! Its only 12 tracks long, but it is the longest album I’ve ever made, and the most complex. It includes 3 mono tracks, and 9 other stereo songs, 1 stereo you’ve already heard, and 1 mono you have already heard, but their all in better quality! I have added a hiss track to make it less crappy, although I cannot guarantee that it will be perfect. Anyways, this album is 47:40 long, 10 minutes longer than my Grayscale album, although Grayscale is 2 tracks longer. Most of my newer tracks on the album are less complex stereo mixing wise, and this is due to the fact I am currently recording through a mono cord, and I have to do more work to mix the stereo, which I can’t be bothered to do 😆 So my more advanced ones are in Mono, but some of the stereo is really good too! This album is kinda like Sgt.Peppers, it has a fictional band, an orchestra i thought up to fit the picture I wasn’t willing to throw away. 😆 I think all of you will enjoy this album when i get it all set up on here. I hope. 😀 lol This is like the hey Jude of my works so far (although Hey Jude was a single, and not an album) but it’s a big advancement like Hey Jude, and its a more emotional album than any others I have made, so that makes it also like Hey Jude. :p

( 2:56- Missed a chord! 2:58- Oh, F***ing Hell! heh. I never hear that before until I was told about it 😆 they kept it in there ”for the lulz”(joImage and video hosting by TinyPichn’s idea))

Enough of my ramblings, here is something you all can understand better. As of late, I have been getting into the old 8-bit Metroid game. I have it for Gameboy Advanced, and have gotten as for as Mother Brain, but its very very hard to beat her. lol I enjoy that game, but it pisses me off a lot.  xP

We had a car wash today for XC (cross country) and I got sunburned on my feet. Strange. lol


Summer time is here for me. I don’t really want it this time, though. I wasn’t ready to end school just yet. I have made a lot of friends at school, and I will most likely never see them this summer, So i will be stuck with going to camps and being bored all summer. Plus, I’ve been trying to find the chance to ask out this girl i like, and I never got the chance. I was hoping for today for something to happen to allow me to do it, but it never happened.   I will mostly be going to Colorado during this summer, and having summer lessons with my Band teacher and 2 weeks of Marching Band Camp towards the end of the summer. In Mid-July I have XC camp in Colorado, and I have training to do  over the summer. I will mostly be working on my music, and posting on here more often! This place will have a lot more activity from now on. P:

Also, if you haven’t checked out Grayscale yet, please do! I enjoy hearing feedback and knowing whether you feel more fulfilled after listening to my songs. lol

More stuff coming soon!!!