
Why do people like Drama and sob stories? Why do people crave to create their own fantasy world and force it upon others? So many people on Earth live in a fantasy world, whether that be a good thing or a bad thing. In my opinion, Republicans are living a fantasy world that they force upon everyone, while Democrats just have a fantasy world that they try and suppress when I know they live it. There’s kids at my high school that live in fantasy worlds. They each have their own grasp of reality, and sometimes that grasp is so totally off that they become a nuisance to others. The majority of these people that have fantasy worlds use these imaginative mindsets to create drama and annoying outcries of nonsense. The mosque issue? Just drama created by far right nutjobs that live in a perfect American fantasy world. No matter how large or small the drama is, it is most likely caused by someone living in a fantasy world.Β  Why do we do this? Why must we create our own reality to live by and sometimes force upon others? I will admit I have some sort of a fantasy view of things, but at least I realize it and am willing to admit to it.

Humans are strange and complex creatures.

On another note, I hate this thing thats going on where all these politicians are calling themselves and their supporters ‘Patriots’. These hypocrites aren’t patriots. Patriots support their country, no matter WHO runs it, which means they can’t go around calling their leaders ”muslim/communist terrorists”.Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin aren’t fucking patriots. Anyone who calls themselves ”A patriot” in such a grand and classy manner is not a patriot, only someone living their own fantasy world.

Like a Rolling Stone

Well, I have been gone for a week, and have forgotten to inform you all of this! I am terribly sorry about this, and we have had who is responsible for this mess up stoned and crucified.

While in Colorado I had decided to pick up my Mono Project and finish it. I am going to use some instruments that I’ve rarely used or never used at all, and try some new effects, so this might be an interesting turn in the project! πŸ˜€ Speaking of my Music, if you havent checked out my latest ”Album” then please do! It’s on the sidebar and on the ”My Music” Page πŸ™‚

Lately I have been re-interested into vinyl records, and have been listening to the Bob Dylan Greatest Hits record. I am taking some notes on the songs, and will try and put them to use in my later works. πŸ™‚ I have recently acquired two new vinyl records, George Harrison’s ”All Things Must Pass” and John Lennon’s “Double Fantasy” album. Both are basically brand new, which I am listening to side 3 of “All Things Must Pass” right now :D, and the Antique Shop where I got them is now one f my favorite stores now! πŸ˜†

That’s all I can think up right now! More later! πŸ˜€

Have a happier summer! πŸ˜›

Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Hey! I know I don’t post much, but that’s mostly caused by the fact I have track meets like 3 times a week (take 10 hours to go through) and that I haven’t had any material to post!!Β  I guess I am in a way like Douglas Adams πŸ˜† took him forever to write his Hitchhikers Trilogy(all 5 six books he wrote of the series).

“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by..”-Douglas Adams πŸ˜†
So here. I am posting, and I shall make the most of it! Possibly show you how far I’ve gotten music wise, some banter, and some interesting conversation! So let’s see how long it takes for me to write this and think up things to post about! πŸ˜€ Stick with me through this, I’m just improv writing. πŸ˜‰

Alright, so my Oklahoma History teacher has us write journals everyday on something he writes on the board. This week it was on questions we would ask someone, and todays was “God”, so I put down what I would ask this God.

Well, I would ask this God if he is Infinite. And most likely He would say Yes, and explain how he was never born nor will he die. So, I would go on to ask why, in a finite universe (according to himself and his book), I am having an impossible conversation with him? Because anything is possible in an Infinite Universe,Β  but the impossible and improbable are impossible in a Finite universe (which contradicts itself in the way i put it). So, if I’m having this very improbable conversation with him than that means the universe is infinite, and was never created, which contradicts his book and the faith in which is following him, thus making him not real, and force him to vanish in a puff of logic. I would also before hand ask him why he ius always called a male, while he could be a she, and that she could be a cat for all we know, because there is no proof of her existence. But I suppose the preceding question would matter more, seeing how the illogical logic makes sense in an infinite universe. QED”

Now the reason I wrote this wholly controversial and blasphemy material was because I knew damn well the bastard wouldn’t read it. Which he didn’t, and left my long drawn out speech void, and my time, wasted. Teaches me to write entertaining journals :p

Religion. I like religion. It keeps people alive and willing, and allows for people to keep light hearted andΒ  happy for everyone else. I may not be in any religion, but I don’t disapprove of it. I would MUCH rather see atheism die down than Christianity for the very reason that atheists are so serious and such downers! If I went to a party I would go with someone religious than someone non-religious because I would have more fun with the light hearted ”love thy neighbor” person than the ”were going to die when the sun explodes, your science is wrong” person. Now the “love thy neighbor” bit i agree with, most of the 10 commandments I agree with, well, only the moral ones, not the ones that deal with God. So yeah, i would never bash someone for being a Christian, Mormon, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist..etc because I want them to stay around, and don’t wish to hurt them or make them stop believing what they believe. Most atheists try to push others to see how illogical the bible is, but I just want peace, and to be left alone about beliefs. If you wanna worship something, go ahead, I would be more than happy to learn about your religion and be more enlightened by others beliefs than try to kill their state of mind. I myself don’t like calling myself Atheist or Agnostic, because that’s labeling myself, which I don’t want to do. I don’t know what I am. I am what I believe in, and I don’t need to join a organization to prove it.Β  So don’t talk to me about religion, my only argument would be “why care?” let someone believe in what they wanna believe, and let them be happy, I don’t need or want to debate on religion. It’s all about acceptance, and letting others feel free to be who they are.

Now lets see how many comments i get about THAT :loL:

I always wonder why people worry about trying to figure out the Universe, I mean if we understood the universe than what else would there be to do? The universe would become very boring if we understood it, and would most likely be replaced by a more complex universe if we were to ever come to understand it.Β  I find the Universe fascinating, and wish to be able to go on forever exploring it, but I don’t want to understand it. That takes all the fun out of it.

Music doesn’t have to have rhythm does it? I mean, majority of mine doesn’t, and music is music, it could go without a beat as long as it makes sense and is fun to listen to, and it all doesn’t have to have the usual guitar, percussion, and wind instruments. It could be made out of ANYTHING, as long as you put your mind to it. πŸ˜‰

I have been thinking of getting a Jimi Hendrix album. I have listened to the Woodstock album on my ipod many times, and love the Purple Haze and Star Spangled Banner bits with Jimi, but I don’t own any of his albums. Any suggestions? πŸ˜€

Our school prom is coming up, you can have kids from other schools come, but no freshman. That’s too bad, isn’t? (I am a freshman) Now what I would like to know is what if the person the Juniors or Seniors invite is a freshman of another school?

(sophomores only by invite)
I think this post went by pretty well. Go ahead and converge and converse in the comment section of this post, and be sure to check out my music to have some tunez to listen to! 😎

Hey for once Youtube didnt mess up the quality of my music!!!!!! So, heres the first track i’m going to release for my new album… Grayscale!! Its only of my best ones, i know the one bit that your going to tell me about doesn’t fit rhythmically, but who really cares, its free. xP